Getting older is mandatory . . . deterioration is optional.
I was born with an aversion to growing up, becoming an adult and having to act like one. I remember many times thinking I was “too young” for some adult activity. Which is why I married late, had my first child late, started a business late and get accused of laughing too much and acting like a kid most of the time!
After being mistaken for someone younger for the umpteenth time, I noticed the truth I’d accidentally discovered. I now believe (as do many scientists) this thinking was instrumental in keeping me younger in appearance and attitude than my 60+ years would otherwise let on. I’ve learned how to send my body the message that I’m young—and it believes me!
Aging — or at least the part about shrinking, shriveling and becoming helpless — is not what I envision for myself.
So I do everything reasonably possible to stay vital, active and strong, and keep my mind engaged and open to new concepts, experiences and people.
I’ve seen so many others have the opposite experience—gaining weight, having “senior moments”, losing energy and adding piles of pills to their daily routine. I watched with a broken heart as both my parents disintegrated with age, spent hours in nursing facilities, and watched in horror the lives of elderly who had given up, been medicated into oblivion, shut away and left alone to die.
These experiences left me with a burning passion and the seed of the business you see before you.
We must do better.
I’m writing a new story for myself, and for those who refuse to accept the narrative of aging in our culture. Care to join me?
I’m Elaine Pauly, Certified Holistic Health & Functional Medicine Coach.
My focus is longevity…
Helping others to live long and strong and free of chronic disease.
Together we identify the subtle blocks and lifestyle habits that compromise and prematurely age us. Then we weave a plan – a personalized plan of small simple steps to gently restore and strengthen the body, heal the hurts, and protect it from chronic disease.
Together we create the youngest possible version of you.
Let me assure you, this is no far-fetched fantasy.
My own wild and winding journey through life has led me again and again to the science of aging, and I know full well the science and research that provides the proof—we can decelerate and reverse aging (5, 10, even as much as 20 years!) naturally, simply and beautifully when we begin to understand how our bodies work and how to care for them.
Your life is your own unique creation, and how you age is a 90% choice and 10% chance. Living a youthful, vital life means taking personal responsibility for your life and your health, learning what you can do to slow the hands of time, and not giving up your future to a system that no longer operates with your best interests in mind.
“The argument that one can slow aging, and diseases of aging along with it, used to be fantasy, But now we see it like a scientific strategy.”
(Richard Miller, Glen Center for the Biology of Aging, U of Michigan)
Is this you?
- Your weight has started to creep up and no matter what you do, the stubborn stuff won’t go away.
- Subtle aches and pains that you never had before have settled into your body and joints, making life a bit uncomfortable.
- Your doctor has become a regular fixture in your life and may have even prescribed meds for blood pressure, your bones or something to “fix” your broken thyroid which has gone haywire.
- Bags have started showing up under your eyes. You’ve lost that natural glow you used to have. Wrinkles and brown spots are popping up and you wish there were some amazing “fantasy” cream that would just make this all go away!
- You worry about keeping your mind and memory sharp.
- Getting your life in balance is your deep desire but it feels so out of reach you don’t know how you’ll ever get there.
- You don’t want to feel left behind or left out because of your age.
- You wake up nightly at the same time or you just can’t get to sleep at all.
- Life just seems to have has lost its luster.
Maybe some of these shadow aspects of aging in our culture have already shown up for you…or maybe you’re feeling a sense of impending doom about their future arrival.
You’ve brought your fears and suffering to the right place. I’m here to help you write a different story, starting now.
To be clear: I’m not pretending we can be 20 again.
Let me be clear about one thing right from the start: I don’t deny my 60+ years, but I don’t focus on the numbers or what they’re “supposed” to represent.
My work isn’t about trying to help you look and act like a 20-year-old again. It’s about wrapping all the wisdom we’ve gained over the years into an active, vital, beautiful presence, and keeping our bodies free from sickness and chronic disease as we grow older.
I’m on a mission to help my clients experience the truth I’ve discovered for myself:
Feeling youthful while embodying the wisdom that only time delivers is deeply empowering!
Instead of feeling like your body and mind are getting duller by the day, I see you living in a body that doesn’t age by the clock—and feeling evidence of it when you wake up in the morning with a heart that feels strong and healthy. Skin that feels supple. A body and mind that feel young.
I do this work because I want to see the spark come back into your eyes, and hear the stories of the journey you’re living with the wisdom of your numerical age, embodied in the energy and vitality of youth.
Ready to get started?
- Let’s work together! I offer personal coaching to help you maintain (or reignite) your spark.
- Sign up for my mailing list to receive ongoing tips for cultivating youth in your body, mind and life.
- Sign up for a free consultation. Ask me some of your most pressing health questions and let’s talk!
“When I think of someone who can instantly change my way of thinking, it is without doubt Elaine. Elaine’s energy and enthusiasm makes it easy to work with her. She has an extensive knowledge of health and wellness and fully understands how important it is to have balance between mental, emotional, and physical components of the body. As a coach she is strong and when you need that push she is right behind you giving you that gentle nudge.”
My cravings have diminished! I love how she would send text messages every now and then with suggestions. It was great motivation and kept me on track. Everything I have learned, I will use for the rest of my life. With Elaine, I feel like we developed an awesome partnership that truly changed my life.
From the moment I met Elaine we just clicked. She has an understanding and compassion for uplifting my spirit. As a coach she was a hand-holding guide who encouraged setting attainable goals. Her technique of life style living has enabled me as not only a client but a friend to achieve and believe in better choices and to reach my goal as a healthy person. I thank her for her friendship and support.
“Elaine has an intense interest in people and a passionate desire to help them make their lives better, more productive and fulfilling. She has that rare ability to just listen without being judgmental or having to assert her own ego. You feel that she values what you say, values who you are, and that it is okay to be who you are. This makes it easy to talk to her; to confide in, to trust, and to ask for advice; all things I have trouble with otherwise. She radiates energy, enthusiasm, and a zest for life that you feel she truly wants to share with you so that you can experience it to.”
“Elaine is dynamic. She is a force and will bring out your best – if you want that. She’ll pace you with humor and skillful thinking. All of her interests bear fruit because she makes a commitment to them. She has pursued mastery in well-being and health: whether exercise, nutrition, food and being beautiful inside and out. She can even help you transform and create an environment that is healthy and chic. You didn’t think that could be done?! Just watch her!”