What We Didn’t Know About Women & Intermittent Fasting . . . .
I recently came upon a fact that is little known about fasting for women - specifically Intermittent Fasting - [...]
Bird Flu – Just the Facts Please!
If the news about the current Bird Flu has you concerned, here are some details that might help. [...]
Important Thanksgiving Advice!
A quick note before you start cooking your Thanksgiving feast! Please, please, please, when you’re cooking for the crowd avoid [...]
Seeking Salt – Are You Getting Enough???
“Health authorities telling us that salt causes hypertension and we need to limit our intake are causing incredible [...]
Unhappy Belly? Hooked on Antacids? Try This Instead!
If you’re constantly turning to antacids to relieve your unhappy belly, Be advised, says, Dr. Vikki Peterson, a functional [...]
Hit With a Health Crisis? Start Here . . .
“Taking responsibility for your health is getting to know yourself better.” Frank Lipman, M.D. I often wonder how, [...]
Gut Issues? Skin Breakouts? Rashes? Brain Fog? Tired All the Time? Here’s a Clue . . .
Autoimmune Conditions & What You Can Do to Heal Yourself It all started here . . . “The [...]
If you’ve ever tried losing weight and got stuck, this one’s for you . . .
There's a little well-kept secret no one seems to know about when it comes to weight loss. No, it's [...]
Join me for a 5-Day Whole Food Longevity Cleanse
Live Long. . . . Age Strong . . . Begin with This! “How you age has everything to [...]
Lifestyle Tips For Longevity – How Misguided Health Advice Is Harming You & What You Can Do About It
"The speck which is our beginning becomes alive through food." D.C. Jarvis, M.D. For years we’ve been given [...]
The Magic of Your Mind – How One Simple Shift Can Transform the Future You!
“If thought is the ultimate origin or source, it follows that if we don’t do anything about thought, we won’t [...]
The ONE Thing You Must do to Change Your Life & Get What You Want!
“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Imagine facing a debilitating [...]
Why Your High Cholesterol Numbers Might Not be So Bad
"What we’re all taught about cholesterol, starting in grade school and continuing all the way up through graduate medical training, [...]
The only Tip You’ll Need for 2023 – Or Any Year for That Matter
"Most of us have two lives. The life we live and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands [...]
Not up for a 5-Day Fast? Try this . . . . A Fasting Protocol Anyone Can Master!
"Feasting must be followed by fasting. When we remove the fasting and keep all the feasting, we get weight gain. [...]
Why We Sleep & My 10 Top Strategies for a Deeper Night’s Sleep!
“Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day.” Andrew [...]
The Deeper Side of Beauty & Becoming Ageless
Photo credits: Vogue France: Alique - Photographer, Celia Azoulay - Fashion Editor/Stylist, Franco Gobbi - Hair Stylist, Violette - Makeup Artist, Alicia Torello - Manicurist, [...]
Is Your Lawn Lethal?
The unexpected connection between your lawn and your (healthy) longevity "Everyone dreams of weedless, bug-free, manicured grass. A multibillion-dollar [...]
Viruses & Human Longevity – Why We Can’t Live Without Them
“The rise of the mammals may feel like a familiar tale, but there’s a twist you likely don’t know [...]
Why I Fast . . . And 5 Reasons You Should Too
The little-known scientific process hailed as the new way to lose weight, look younger and prolong life. I started [...]
longevity Code #20 – The Unexpected Side Effects of Prescription Drugs
"When you have a symptom—when you feel cloudy, sad, sore, gassy, weepy, tired, or unnecessarily anxious—bring some wonder to it. [...]
Day #5 & Transition Day With Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet
“The Prolon FMD is probably the best way to start the regenerative and self-healing process with minimal or potentially no [...]
Day #4 – Here’s What Happens When You Fast With Prolon . . .
Floating on a fasting high Hi, and welcome to Day #4 with Prolon & me! Day 4 puts you [...]
Day #3 – Here’s What Happens With Prolon & Me
". . . The little bit of stress that occurs when genes are activated prompts the rest of the [...]
Here’s What Happens in 5 Days With Me & Prolon FMD – Day #2
"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If it is not, you will find an excuse." [...]
Here’s What Happens in 5 Days With Me & Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet
I’m doing something a little different this week . . . As I start another 5-day Prolon fast with [...]
Your Microbiome – Your Key to Life, Health & Longevity
9 Simple Steps to Keep It Strong! "We are inhabited by as many as ten thousand bacterial species; those [...]
If You Struggle With High Cholesterol, You’ll want to read this!
A while back I wrote about two friends of mine - both of normal weight and appearing to be [...]
Meet Your “Youth” Genes & 5 Simple Way to Keep Them Working for You
“ . . . a family of genes involved in an organism's ability to withstand a stressful environment, such [...]
Why You Must MOVE – A Simple 4-Minute Workout Anyone Can Do
“After making changes in the diet, the second major factor affecting lifespan is physical activity.” Dr. Valter Longo [...]
Clearing the Clutter Clears the Mind – Here’s A Quick Start
“Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t” . . . "When you understand that nobody wants to read your sh*t, [...]
My favorite healthy homemade salad dressing
Foods for Longevity "There are scores of studies demonstrating that a diet rich in vegetables and fruits reduces the [...]
5 Quick Tips For Buying Real Extra Virgin Olive Oil
EVOO – how to get the real deal Extra Virgin Olive oil is one of those foods that I [...]
Longevity Code #19 – 6 Simple Strategies to Extend the Benefits of Your Fast
Simple Daily Detoxing Tips (Join us for our next fast coming up April 5-9. Go here for details.) [...]
A Fasting Plan That Works
How to fast for a longer, healthier life Three years ago I couldn’t have told you much about fasting. [...]
Longevity Code #18 – Lousy cholesterol numbers?
Here’s a fix you might not have thought of . . . “Our cholesterol levels have been declining, and [...]
Vaccines & You
What to know before you get in line. “Curiosity is the most powerful force on the planet.” Dr. Zack Bush [...]
Healing Longevity Foods – Immune-Supporting Noodle Soup!
A Perfect Recipe For Your Thanksgiving Bone Broth! If you still have those left-over turkey bones hanging around and [...]
Healing Longevity Recipe – Bone Broth!
Don't throw away those left-over turkey bones! The thing I love the best about Thanksgiving is the aftermath - [...]
Longevity Code #17 – Laugh Often | Live Long
Dr. William Fry, a Stanford University psychiatrist, noted that children laugh more than four hundred times a day, whereas adults [...]
Longevity Code #16 – The Most Important Lesson You’ll Learn From Fasting.
Join Us For Our September Fast: September 28 - October 2 “When you stop eating, you save a huge [...]
Longevity Code # 15 – What You Must Do to Heal
A message about trust “On the cellular level, our bodies have the innate power and ability to reverse damage, [...]
Longevity Code #14 – Fasting for a Stronger Metabolism
Ready Yet?? Join Us For A Virtual Fast With Prolon FMD “Periodic fasting can reverse multiple features of [...]
Don’t Get Left Out… Join us for our next fast!
July 27 -31 Have you ever tried to fast? If you’re like most I know, you’ve probably tried at [...]
Longevity Code #13 – Fast With Us For a Better Brain
Join us for a virtual fast - July 20 - 24 Fast to Protect Your Brain & Prevent Cognitive [...]
How to Shift Our of Fear…
The devastating impact of fear on your health and longevity and how to switch it out. “The quality of [...]
Longevity Code #12 – The Deeper Side of Fasting
How Fasting Protects Against Disease. “Fasting done periodically is a very powerful and natural way to help the body [...]
Longevity Code – We’re at it again – Fast with us!
June 15- 19 “A periodic diet that mimics fasting promotes multi-system regeneration, enhanced cognitive performance and healthspan” Cell Metabolism” [...]
Fast With Me – Virtually – May 18-22
"A 2015 study by the Longevity Institute... conducted with mice, found four days of a diet that mimicked fasting [...]
Longevity Code #11 – Live Lean | Live Long
My 6 Favorite Hacks to a Leaner Body "Humans are no longer satisfied with simply living longer; they want [...]
Longevity Code #10 – A Longevity Hack to Shut Down Stress & Anxiety
“What if I said I had a medicine that would keep you calm but alert? That would relax and [...]
Longevity Code #9 COVID-19 – The One Thing You Must Do Now…
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror that paralyzes..." Franklin D. [...]
Longevity Code #8 – Fasting for Longevity – “The most profoundly transformational strategy as it pertains to human health and aging.”
Fasting is in… in case you hadn’t noticed. Google searches on the subject have jumped 10,000%. Jennifer Aniston [...]
Longevity Code #7 – The Game-Changing Power of Fasting
A Post Holiday Clean-up & Longevity Tweak! “...Almost any periodic fasting diet that does not result in malnutrition is [...]
Longevity Code # 6 – Strengthen Your Immune System
6 Speedy ways to beat that cold and strengthen your defenses. "Given the role of the immune system [...]
Longevity Code #5 – Feeling Young? Feeling Old?
You won’t believe what this does to your body! When was the last time someone asked you your age? [...]
Longevity Code #4 – How to Build a Longevity Heart.
6 Mighty Heart-Building Tips "New research shows the human heart is much more than an efficient pump that sustains [...]
Longevity Code #3 – Nurture This Above All Else…
What Centenarians know about longevity that we don’t. "Since emotions run every system in the body, don’t underestimate [...]
#2 – Wrinkle-proof your skin!
"Beauty appreciates, not depreciates. It grows, not fades...Beauty is not just something you are born with. Beauty is something [...]
Longevity Code #1 – The little secret of ‘adding in’ that subtracts years from your age.
Remember when you were little and your parents would harp on you to “Eat your vegetables!”? It started for [...]
How to live long & strong.
The one thing you must know. If you’re like most people I know, aging is one of those things [...]
Change Your Environment – Change the World
Today is “Earth Day”– a day we celebrate our earth and the environment that supports us all. And yet I [...]
If you think aging is an inevitable downhill slide to aches & pains & sickness… You might want to think again.
Here's a simple shift that could change everything. "What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, [...]
Why Your New Year’s Resolution May Have Gone Kaput & What You Can do to Make Next Year’s Stick
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with the first step." -Lao Tzu" I walked into my [...]
Ever Dream About Your Perfect Life?
How to create a life you love. “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you [...]
Your Brain on Music
In his book, This is Your Brain on Music, Daniel Levitin, cognitive psychologist, neuroscientist, writer, musician, and record producer, [...]
Wise advice from some AMAZING 10-year-olds!
Over the summer, I had the pleasure of coaching a group of 10 and 11-year-old kids in a program called 716 [...]
What Italians Know that We Don’t.
I just returned from a trip to Italy... Awestruck by a gorgeous land filled with endless rows of [...]
Fiber-Rich Chopped Salad with Lemony Garlic Vinaigrette
This simple salad is full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients - just about everything your body needs to [...]
A Secret Route to a Long & healthy Life & Poop Measured in Pounds.
(Longevity Files) I was recently reading a piece by one of my favorite MD's and health gurus, Dr. Mark [...]
My All-time Favorite Chia Pudding!
I was first introduced to chia seeds back when they were popular not as food but as "Ch-Ch-Chia Pets" that [...]
Spaghetti Squash Bolognese – Paleo Style!
This is another favorite, first discovered at my good friend, Kim's little French bakery and restaurant, Elm Street! I've modified it [...]
Swiss Chard Braised in Shiitake Butter
More Greens! Greens are nutritional powerhouses, packed with vitamins, minerals, and even some needed fiber. They are among the most [...]
Flamed Sole in Tomato Marjoram Sauce
I learned this recipe years ago in a cooking class with one of my favorite Italian chefs, Giancarlo. It is [...]
Crisp Fennel Salad with Garlic & Lemon
This may be the easiest salad you will ever make and one of the most surprisingly satisfying. Fennel is [...]
Garlic Sauteed Spinach – Heavenly!
If you're not big on greens, give this one a try! It's sure to please! "EAT YOUR GREENS!" [...]
Why I Avoid Genetically Modified Foods – and why you might too.
(Special Detox Series Report) GMO’s were quietly introduced into our food chain in the '90s with little fuss. Most of [...]
The One Thing you must do to Stay Young
I had an opportunity recently to teach a bunch of 4th and 5th-grade kids at a long-term youth development [...]
Fragrant Roasted Mushrooms
When I was young, dad and I would go foraging in the nearby woods for mushrooms. I remember how excited [...]
Slivered Brussels Sprouts & Creamy Caesar Dressing
Oh, the misunderstood little Brussels Sprout. In doing a little research on this tiny cabbage-like cruciferous, I found that it is [...]
Herb-Crusted Chicken Breasts with Roasted Garlic
This recipe comes from Dr. Mark Hyman’s 10-Day Detox Diet. It gives you a healthy dose of protein and [...]
"If you're a member of an industrialized nation, then you now have an average of seven hundred chemicals in your [...]
Mediterranean Spiced Lentils
Lentils have a history dating back to ancient times and a nutrition profile second to none. They are among the [...]
Worlds Best Guacamole
Avocados are one of those absolutely perfect foods. Classified in the "super foods" category, they are loaded with healthy fats [...]
How I Heal Myself – and How You Can Too!
Simple Natural Strategies to Beat the Flu. We all get sick. Some experts even say it's a sign of [...]
Low on Energy?
15 Top Energy-Building Foods. The energy that we need to move, run, think and dream is generated by a bunch [...]
For My Last Minute Shoppers …
A few unusual gift ideas for mind & body Ever get stuck trying to find that perfect gift? Something you're [...]
Hygge – A Whole New Way to Celebrate the Holidays
Life Lessons from the Danes. "Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will [...]
Carrot, Almond & Protein Pancakes with Blueberries & Honey
I borrowed this recipe from Kelly Brogan, M.D., psychiatrist, and Functional Medicine practitioner who includes it as part of her "Vital Mind [...]
Bringing Light to Anxiety, Depression & the Workings of the Mind
What I learned from Kelly Brogan, M.D. (Note – My daughter, a budding health coach and lifestyle blogger, lovingly [...]
25 unconventional steps to a lean & youthful body
We have become a nation of fat people. No, I’m not pointing a finger at you. I know you [...]
The End of Alzheimer’s
The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline I don’t know too many people past 40 who don’t [...]
Morning Greens!
There are many opinions about how long it takes to create a new habit. The latest research puts it at [...]
Seasonal Tomato, Olive & Celery Greens Salad
Longevity Foods Salads are one of my basics. I often have them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They are [...]
Healing and Rejuvenating Elixirs
I was in Calgary, Alberta this summer visiting an old friend, fellow health coach, and kombucha brewer (more on that [...]
Crunchy Broccoli Slaw
Sometimes it's hard getting the daily recommended 6 to 12 daily servings of vegetables and fruits, so I try to [...]
Inspired Caesar Salad
Caesar salad is one of the favorites I fall back on when I have to whip up a quick and [...]
Homemade Egg Salad
Once you've got the homemade mayo down, egg salad is a no-brainer. There are countless additions you can make, depending [...]
Quick Pan-Seared Wild Salmon
Want a super-fast dinner? This one fits the bill. The key to this recipe is fresh wild salmon. I purchase [...]
Creamy Homemade Mayonnaise
I never considered making my own mayonnaise until I watched it being made by a chef friend of mine who [...]
The Little Seed that Could
Want something quick and easy that you can add to your daily diet that can ramp up just about every [...]
A Tale of Two Brains
FOOD FOR THOUGHT… (Do not miss the link at the end of this post!) Men’s Brains | Women’s Brains - [...]
Perfect Steam-Roasted Beet Salad
When I was little, I hated beets. They stained my clothes and my fingers, tasted "yucky" to me at the [...]
Simple Steamed Artichokes
Artichokes, one of my all favorite vegetables, are immature thistles with a mid section that is completely inedible. I didn’t [...]
15 Ways to Keep Your Brain From Growing Old
(Notes from the Gardenside Lectures, June 2017) There is one organ in your body that changes from the time you [...]
Wild Salmon Salad
This is a perfect way to to get some high quality brain food (omega 3's), protein, and lots of veggies [...]
Grilled Wild Salmon
Salmon is a favorite of mine. Easy to cook. As delicious off the grill as it is as a leftover [...]
What You Should Know Before You Spray
There is a story about a young boy who grew up on a dairy farm in the small town of [...]
What the Bees Tell Us About Aging
There is a story that tells an important truth about your food, your genes, and how quickly or slowly you [...]
Quick & Easy Collard Slaw With Light Mustard Dressing
I'm taking a little of my own medicine here with a green I've never tried before. Greens are number one [...]
The Truth About Fat.
About 50 years ago a couple of Harvard scientists were offered a little pocket change by the sugar industry – [...]
Massaged Kale Salad
I know... you don't like kale and there's way too much press for this green leaf. But here's the thing: [...]
Beet & Cabbage Red Salad
Longevity Foods (Recipe inspired by Kristen Miglore, Genius Cookbook) Salads are often a foundation for my meals - not [...]
Romaine Wedge Salad
Sometimes we forget just how good a salad can be and this one of Romaine Lettuce packs a healthy does [...]
Fresh Homemade Sweet Potato Chips
Just whipped these up as a special treat for guests the other night. They are easy to make and especially [...]
Your Not-So-Classic 10-Minute, Gluten-Free Pizza
There is nothing better than a good pizza.- and I am not talking about your typical doughy, soggy, take-out kind. [...]
My Ten Top Healing Rituals
We all wish for things we don't have: tighter abs, more muscle, less fat, flawless skin, 10 extra pounds - [...]
Perfect Veggie Dip
This is one of my favorite dips and so versatile! Serve with veggies, smoked salmon, on sandwiches, or as an [...]
Fresh Vegetable Plate
I have never been fond of the standard veggie plates loaded with huge, fat chucks of broccoli and cauliflower that [...]
Healing Potassium Balance Broth
This is a perfect household staple - your daily shot of concentrated nutrients. It is easy to make and adds [...]
Oven Roasted Potato Fries with Roasted Red Pepper Aioli
Potatoes are not your enemy. Just don’t fry them – roast them instead. You will never go back to fries [...]
The Art & Science of Stillness
Top 5 strategies to renew body & spirit Like everyone else this season, I have been on full throttle – [...]
Brussels & Bacon Slaw
This is an exceptionally easy recipe and the star ingredient, Brussels Sprouts, is a powerhouse vegetable loaded with cancer preventing nutrients, [...]
Life Lessons from a Little Country
It is hard to describe the feeling that one gets when stepping into this magical little country about three quarters [...]
Roasted Barbecue-Spiced Chicken
This is one of my all-time favorites – a perfectly simple and always delicious meal for a crowd, and it’s [...]
Perfect Lemon Vinaigrette
Learn how to make this dressing and you'll never buy another bottled dressing again. This is so easy and something [...]
Walnut Kale Pesto
If you’re not big on greens, this is a perfect way to get a concentrated shot of nutrients! Spread on [...]
Tread carefully. What you don’t know can hurt you!
How our food system is making us fat, sick & old. It is no coincidence that we are fatter, sicker [...]
Cleansing Beet Juice Elixir
If you have a juicer, do not miss this healing and rejuvenating juice. Beets are one of God’s greatest gifts [...]
Grilled Turkey and Kraut Sandwich
Another simple sandwich that goes a long way! Ingredients: 2-3 Slices of Turkey (I use Applewood, an organic/humane brand) Avocado [...]
Grilled Chicken and Sauerkraut Sandwich
I love sandwiches and have fun experimenting with different ingredients that we sometimes don’t think about putting on them. A [...]
Brussels Sprouts Perfected
Brussels sprouts are cruciferous vegetables that contain a unique combination of nutrients called glucosinolates which have cancer-fighting and DNA protecting properties. [...]
How do you want to age?
"I have come to believe less and less that biology is destiny. It is not primarily our physical selves that [...]
Perfectly Roasted Acorn Squash
Acorn squash is considered one of the world’s healthiest foods and anti-aging fruits. It is nutrient dense, inexpensive and easy [...]
Stop Thinking You’re Old!
Our bodies house about fifty trillion cells. That’s 50,000,000,000,000 – yikes! That’s a lot! And there has been a frenzy [...]
Change Your Thoughts, Change Your DNA
The new genetics is all about how to alter gene activity in a positive direction. Deepak Chopra For many years [...]
Quieting the Little Voice in your Head
If you’re like me – and I suspect you might be – you have this little voice in your head [...]
Professional Bio
Professional Bio Elaine Pauly is a certified holistic health and longevity coach and an independent distributor for a global [...]