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 (Join me for a special evening that moves from fireside to the kitchen… learning, sharing and preparing a tasting menu of easy, healing, and exotic foods together. )  

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My little toolbox of tips to build resilience, happiness & calm. 

Monday, December 17,  5:15 – 8:00

Holidays are meant to be a time of peace, joy, and celebration. Yet for most the holiday season is one of pressure, endless commitments, lists, anxiety, and massive relief when it’s all done!  Join me for a special evening fireside to kick back, relax, explore some simple strategies to build a more resilient, peaceful, happy you. We’ll explore everything from breath work to meditation, reframing, self-talk, and strengths focus. And I’ll share my personal toolbox of tips and strategies for building resiliency as we move into the New Year. And, as always, we’ll spend some time together in the kitchen, preparing a special holiday meal.

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  1. Susan O'Sullivan May 17, 2018 at 10:25 pm - Reply

    Hello Elaine,
    I am so interested in this whole series but I know for the first two I will be traveling for work. Do you do private sessions and is so, can you ball park me a cost? My husband is 55 and going through some difficult health issues all stemming from heart, heredity and bad habits. I need to help him.



  2. Joanne Hernandez September 20, 2018 at 12:35 am - Reply

    Elaine, the evening at your lovely home was a wonderful escape for an evening of health and wellness. My sisters and I enjoyed our girls-night out and the delicious meal and health tips! Fun!

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