Longevity 7-Day Whole Food Cleanse
November 9, 2020 - November 15, 2020
A Special Invitation…
Don’t grow up. Never grow up. Always live young!
Join me for a week of healing with the Longevity 7-Day Whole Food Cleanse. This is NOT A DIET. It’s a way of life and a way of eating for anyone who struggles with weight or health challenges and wishes to set a course for a long and healthy life. It focuses on foods that nourish the body deeply, removing the “toxic” stuff, and adding a few simple lifestyle practices that support the body’s natural healing, so growing in years doesn’t mean growing in sickness!
What you can expect:
- A simple easy-to-follow plan that you can adjust to your needs and your schedule
- A “Getting Started” guide for reference
- My favorite delicious and easy-to-prep recipes
- Clean, whole, nutrient-dense food – chosen for their healing qualities
- Food Diversity to support your gut health
- Elimination of foods that can harm you and cause inflammation
- Sustainability and eating in a way that doesn’t overly tax our planet
- No counting calories
- My support and coaching and access to me by text, email, or phone
Some of the things you’ll learn:
- Foods to eat and those to avoid
- How to listen to your body for clues
- Some weight loss tips
- How to measure your body composition and why that’s more important than your weight
- The importance of gut health and some tips for its healing and support
- Where toxins hid in our food and water
- A guide to my favorite longevity foods
- Guidelines on the ultimate pantry cleanout and stock up
- Do’s and don’ts on supplementation
- An introduction to intermittent fasting and you’ll even get a chance to try it out.
- My longevity lifestyle and habits guideline
- Hydration for deeper cellular cleansing
Some of the things you may experience:
- Better digestion
- Clearer skin
- Improved energy, especially at the end and in the days after
- Emotional release at unexpected times
- Feeling heavier some days, lighter on others
- Possible mood swings, related to toxins being released
- Personal insights into your eating habits
- Improved sleep
- Weight loss
The Longevity 7-Day Whole Food Cleanse is a program designed to fuel you with the highest quality nutrient-dense foods. A plan to support your health, your life, your happiness, and your Longevity.
Because you deserve it! ♥
Regular Price – $179
Early-Bird Discount for any who register by Friday, 10/28 – $149
(bring a buddy and pay $129 each – (email me for this option @ ewpauly@gmail.com)
Sign up here:
In love & health,
Your Youthkeeper! ♥
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