“The speck which is our beginning becomes alive through food.” D.C. Jarvis, M.D.


For years we’ve been given what most of us thought was good advice about health. What to eat. What to avoid. And how to skirt the illnesses that have strangely been mounting up in recent years.  

It was coming from legit sources after all so why would we question it?

As it turns out, enough of the health advice that’s been doled out over the years has been so wrong it’s now believed to be the cause for the epidemic of diabetes and chronic illnesses that more than 60% of our population face today.


Here’s some of the Bad Advice (BA) we’ve been given and, sadly, we’ve followed:


BA #1  – Eggs should be avoided – at least the yokes because they’re high in cholesterol and can cause a buildup of the stuff in your veins . . .


“In several Randomized Controlled Trials, eggs increased muscle protein synthesis and lowered fat mass, which could support optimal body composition . . . In observational studies, higher egg consumption was associated with a null effect or a modest reduced risk of CVD.”


For most people these little oval gems are perhaps the most perfect food to eat – rich in protein and nutrients that support heart health.

In his book, Folk Medicine, D.C. Jarvis, M.D. describes them as “a complete food for humans”.

Another study found eggs to be one of the best sources of protein to protect against muscle loss. Sarcopenia – muscle wasting – is one of the less desirable side effects of aging!

Just make sure you’re eating healthy eggs from “pasture raised” chicks.


BA #2  – Eat 6 – 11 servings of carbs a day . . .


This advice came from the FDA via their Food Pyramid in place from 1992 – 2005 and is now being cited as a possible cause of today’s diabetes and obesity epidemic.


BA #3 – Avoid saturated fat because it clogs your arteries and leads to heart disease. Opt instead for a “low-fat” diet . . .


Studies show virtually no connection between saturated fat and heart disease. On the other hand, Low-fat diets come with a load of issues: hormone imbalances, insulin resistance, diabetes, weight gain, gut problems, cognitive disorders and more. 

Moreover this advice comes in the wake of dubious conflicts of interest and sketchy research by special interests making the recommendations. 


“Subsequent reexaminations . . . by nutrition experts have now been published in >20 review papers, which have largely concluded that saturated fats have no effect on cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular mortality or total mortality.”


BA #4 – Artificial Sweeteners are great alternatives to sugar and don’t cause weight gain because they have no calories . . .


These pretend sweeteners come with their own massive down side. They have been linked to higher risk of stroke, heart disease, disruption of our gut health, and death overall. Not to mention they can also make you fat. Some have even been classified as carcinogenic and damaging to our DNA. 


BA #5 – Seed oils are a healthy alternative to saturated fats . . .


Although the battle still wages and there are significant financial interests at stake here, seed oils (“refined” oils) are now considered to be among the most health damaging and inflammatory foods going – and, btw, are found in almost all processed foods. 


BA #6 – Meat is unhealthy and linked to heart disease . . .


While many avoid eating meat for humane reasons, red meat has been part of the human diet since the beginning of time and is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet – as long as it’s humanely and sustainably raised – ie, labeled grass fed and pastured raised.

In classical Ayurvedic practice, meat is recommended as treatment for numerous health conditions and considered one of the most nourishing and strengthening foods we can eat. 

Stay clear of  “factory farmed” meats which include anything not listed as “organic”, “grass fed”, or “Certified Humane”.


Big Food is Making Us Sick


“Big food”—agribusiness, manufacturers, restaurants, and marketers—is making America sick. The industry produces and aggressively markets foods laden with sugar, salt, saturated fat, and calories. It obfuscates nutritional information to confuse consumers . . . It purchases influence at every level of government and fights commonsense regulations by funding “shadow” advocacy groups and sympathetic scientists.” Gostin


If you’ve followed the guidelines set forth by our government agencies, you’re basically following those of “Big Food”. Our government agencies have long been co-opted by the food industry,  and they have one goal in mind which has nothing to do with your health. 


Opt out of  the industrial food system!


Industrial, processed food has been found to be addictive. We are like rats in a cage with unrestricted access to processed sugar and fat. When given a choice between cocaine and sugar, rats always choose sugar. So do we. Dr. Mark Hyman


Aside from counteracting the bad advice named above by possibly adding eggs, real butter, and consuming “real food” (the kind that grows, swims, flies, and grazes), here are a couple things you can do to get better and feel better.


Step #1 – Read food labels and know what you’re putting into your body 


Pay attention to what you’re putting into your body by reading the labels of the foods you’re buying.

If the ingredient list takes up the entire side of the package and includes multisyllabic ingredients that either you cannot pronounce or identify, put it back on the shelf!

Thousands of additive substances in our foods have never been proven safe and can lead to health issues such as asthma, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), heart difficulties, cancer, obesity, hormone issues, among other things.


Step #2 – Eliminate – or reduce your sugar intake.


Sugar may be the worst of the health offenders! It’s inflammatory, addictive, and now linked to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.  

Sadly, it’s in almost all processed foods – even foods you’d never consider sweet.

Sugar comes in upwards of 60 different forms and may appear on the lable as Dextrose, Fructose, Galactose, Glucose, Lactose, Maltose, Sucrose, maltodextrin, corn sweetener, HFCS (high fructose corn syrup).

It’s alwyas listed in grams. So, if you want to get a better picture of exactly how much sugar you’re getting in a serving of whatever you’re buying, here’s some simple math.

One teaspoon of sugar is about 4 grams. If you take the number of grams in a serving and divide by 4, you’ll get the number of teaspoons of sugar you’re consuming in that product. 

For example, one 12-oz can of Canada Dry Ginger Ale has 32 grams of sugar. Divide 32 by 4 and you’ve got 7 to 8 teaspoons of sugar in one can! Ouch!

If you MUST have that soft drink, consider stopping at half a can and diluting with an equal part of sparkling water. Or, add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice which will diminish the blood sugar spike.


In my next post I’ll share some of the devious labeling schemes the industry uses to trick you into believing that what you’re buying is healthy. So stay tuned.

I love to hear about your experiences, so let me know how it goes in the comments below.


With love

And as always, if you have questions or just want to chat, reach out to me at elaine@elainepauly.com