Movement Defines Life . . . .
Man was created to move. From the beginning of time, he has walked, worked the land, hunted, lifted, hauled, built, climbed, gathered and run for his life – literally.
“Exercise” as we now know it was just part of everyday life back then. It kept the body lean, strong, vital, smart, flexible, and responsive.
Things have changed.
We have become sedentary creatures. Studies show that most of us sit an average of 13 hours a day: at the office, in our cars, in front of a TV, at dinner, at the theater, etc. And the human body was not designed to be still for extended periods.
When the body doesn’t move it begins to decay and weaken.
You send a subtle message – right down to the deepest level of your DNA that you’re done here. And that starts a cascade of rather undesirable physiological changes that you are not going to like: metabolism slows, heart rate declines, heart muscle weakens, bones lose their strength, blood circulates more slowly, triglycerides and LDL build up on your artery walls, muscles atrophy, joints get stiff and creaky . . . it is even believed that the brain starts to shrink!
While “exercise” might elicit the thought of grueling hours in a sweaty gym, this isn’t the only way.
Unless you’re looking to bulk up and compete in some body building competition, you can get a healthy dose of exercise without stepping foot into a gym.
Many people get their workouts by gardening, raking, shoveling, hiking, hauling and lifting infants or heavy things, and carrying on the regular activities of life. Keep doing that, it’s good for you.
If you spend most of the day on your butt, remember Newton’s Law: a body at rest tends to stay at rest. It might take a little extra oomph on your part to start to get into motion, but it’s worth it!
It’s good for the mind, body, mood, memory, skin and even sleep.
Want to get in touch? E-mail me at
“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise saves it and preserves it.”
Why You Must MOVE – A Simple 4-Minute Workout Anyone Can Do
“After making changes in the diet, the second major factor affecting lifespan is physical activity.” Dr. Valter Longo How many times have you been urged by some coach or expert to "move" more [...]