I recently came upon a fact that is little known about fasting for women – specifically Intermittent Fasting – a simple method of extending the typical 12-hour overnight fasting window by, say, two, four, or even more hours.
For me, fasting has meant often going without breakfast and beginning my first meal at 11:00 or 12:00, leaving a window of about 15 – 16 hours of fasting – and doing this almost daily.
But here’s the twist . . .
Most of the research that has been done on intermittent fasting has been done on men (and mice) – and women are quite different from both.
Stacy Sims, MSC, PHD, exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist, explains that women have a much more robust hormonal system and are more sensitive to energy restrictions.
Too much of what we think is a good thing (daily or too often intermittent fasts) can disrupt your hormonal balance, screw up your circadian rhythm, and put you into a high “sympathetic” (stress) mode.
This in turn drives up the release of cortisol, our stress hormone. And this is exactly what you don’t want . . . since excess cortisol causes the body to release glucose and store more fat. Think . . . belly fat!
Changing it Up
Here’s how I’ve adjusted and something you might try as well – especially if you want to lose a little around your middle!
Keep your nightly fasts to a max of 12 – 14 hours. I now extend my fasting window to 16 hours only once a week on Sundays – so I’m fasting during our church service, making it so much easier as there’s no food in sight!
Make your first meal protein, fat, and a little carb. For me, if I’m not particularly hungry, it might just be coffee with coconut oil, raw or organic cream (Note: avoid flavored and synthetic creamers as most contain seed oils and chemical additives), collagen, and a little honey. This provides all three macros you need.
Eat three meals a day and avoid snacks. If you do snack, make sure it includes protein and/or fat. This helps to control your blood sugar and fat storage.
And if you want to take it up a notch, start your day with a glass of filtered water, a couple teaspoons of fermented apple cider vinegar, (I use this one) and a squeeze of lemon juice. (helps with digestion, appetite control, and fat burning.)
Love, ♥
PS – Give it a try for a month and let me know how those pants are fitting. :)
PPS – There are many choices for collagen. I often try new brands to mix it up. Here are some I use: Great Lakes, (here’s my discount code for 40% off your first order), Natural Force Organic , Ancient Nutrition.
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