I learned this recipe years ago in a cooking class with one of my favorite Italian chefs, Giancarlo. It is still a favorite of mine today.  Italian cooking is all about fresh local ingredients, small plates, and, most importantly, simplicity. This recipe will take you about 10 minutes to prepare. As long as you have wild sole or flounder on hand in the freezer (readily available in the frozen section of most grocery stores today), a can of organic chopped tomatoes, and a little marjoram spice, you’re good to go.

Sole and flounder are flat fish, sweet and delicate in flavor and never “fishy”. You may even convert those who are big on sea creatures with this simple recipe!



  • Pastured butter or ghee
  • 4 wild sole fillets
  • Tablespoon Cognac
  • 1  8 oz. can of organic diced tomatoes
  • Marjoram
  • Himalayan salt and fresh ground pepper
  • Capers & parmesan cheese (optional)



  1. Place butter in a saute pan over medium heat
  2. When melted add sole and lightly saute. You do not need to flip the fish as it will cook through when the sauce is added.
  3. When butter begins to bubble, add about a tablespoon of cognac and flame (I use a simple butane stove lighter)
  4. Add tomatoes, marjoram, salt, and pepper and cook until the fish is translucent – 3-4 minutes.
  5. Sprinkle with capers and grate with a little parmesan cheese and serve immediately. Be careful not to overcook as this will cause the fish to toughen up – and you will not be happy!


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