Sometimes it’s hard getting the daily recommended 6 to 12 daily servings of vegetables and fruits, so I try to have plenty of ready-made salads on hand to grab in a pinch. This is a new favorite. It’s easy to make, stores well for 2 to 3 days, and still keeps its crunchy texture.

Broccoli and cabbage are cruciferous vegetables, one of our richest sources of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients – exactly what the body needs to heal, build and repair itself. And make no mistake, it does that for you every moment of every day.  Research studies have shown cruciferous vegetables to be one of our most powerful protectors against cancer.  In one study, just one serving a day reduced the risk of breast cancer by 50%. (Note: chopping, chewing, blending or juicing is necessary to make the anti-cancer nutrients available to the body.)

If you’re concerned about the effect of these vegetables on thyroid, take a tip from Dr. Joel Fuhrman, internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing. In his words:

“The fear of eating cruciferous vegetables or that people with hypothyroidism should reduce or avoid the consumption of kale or other cruciferous vegetables is unfounded and does a disservice to the community. Whether you have normal thyroid function or hypothyroidism, there is no benefit for you to avoid or restrict your intake of cruciferous vegetables.”

The message: get these guys in your diet. Here’s one easy way.


  • 1 head broccoli, crown shaved (see photo), stem peeled and chopped into matchstick pieces
  • 2-3 medium carrots, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 head cabbage shredded
  • 3/4 cup homemade mayo or avocado mayo (you may substitute plain Greek yogurt for part of the mayo dressing. I often use a 50/50 blend mayo and yogurt. This will give it a slightly milder taste.)
  • 1 TB Dijon mustard
  • Juice from 1/2 lemon
  • 2 tsp Bragg’s apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • Chopped parsley
  • 1 tsp celery seed
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. To chop broccoli, hold by the stem over a bowl and, holding your knife at about a 30 degree angle, shave across the head of the plant, slicing off thin pieces. Once the crown has been cut up, peel the stem and chop into small matchstick size pieces.
  2. Thinly slice the cabbage (I use an inexpensive mandoline slicer.)
  3. Peel and chop the carrots. If you’re using organic, just wash. You do not need to peel. I also use a mandoline with cross blades for this. (see photo below)
  4. Whisk mayo, mustard, vinegar and spices together.
  5. Pour dressing over shredded ingredients and mix well.
  6. Finish with a squeeze of fresh lemon and salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Make ahead and store in the refrigerator to allow flavors to blend.




PS – Experiment and turn this into your own recipe. Add different vegetables and spices you like. I often add radishes, slivered snap peas, caraway seeds, a touch of heat in the form of Tabasco or some favorite sauce. You can’t screw it up so experiment and have fun.




I love hearing from you! Let me know how it goes and share your results! Post your comments below.