“Feasting must be followed by fasting. When we remove the fasting and keep all the feasting, we get weight gain. This is the ancient secret.” Jason Fung, MD


Since you missed our last 5-day fast with the Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet . . . And since fasting may be the most effective strategy known to man to stay fit, lean, healthy, and free of a boatload of meds, how about trying a slightly different approach?

Here’s the plan . . .

For a couple days next week, start your breakfast around noon.

It’s called intermittent fasting or time restricted eating and when you consider that most of the time you’re fasting you’re also sleeping, it really isn’t that hard.


The hidden truth about weight loss


“The body reacts to weight loss by trying to return to its original body set weight”


If you’re like most people I know, you’d like to drop a little weight. And that’s a good thing since excess weight means excess wear and tear on the body. Not to mention how much better you look and feel when you shed a few extra pounds!

When you want to lose a little (or a lot) of weight what do you do? 

Most people start by trying to eat a little less and exercising more. If you’ve noticed this hasn’t worked well as we’re heavier as a population than we’ve ever been. Yet, strangely,  it continues to be the go-to remedy prescribed today. 

The problem with this approach is explained by Jason Fung, MD, in his book, The Obesity Code.

When you cut down the amount of food you’re eating, explains Fung, your body responds by slowing your metabolism to match the lower quantity of food that you’re feeding it. 

You might lose a little weight but when you go back to your regular diet – or even add just a little more food, the weight creeps right back on. 

Do a quick check of The Biggest Losers  and you’ll see what I mean. All of them lost lots of weight . . . but It all came back (and more) with a vengeance even when they continued to cut calories!


Fasting’s magic touch


Fasting – whether you fast for a day or 5, plays out differently on the body because it addresses the heart of the issue of weight gain – the hormonal impact of your food – specifically insulin.

Insulin is your storage hormone. It shuttles glucose into the cells for energy production. Any excess it tucks away and stores as fat. 

If you’re constantly eating (think meal, snack, meal, snack, meal, snack, etc – who ever suggested that anyway???) insulin is constantly in the works. Over time this can lead to something called “insulin resistance”, a condition that requires your body to produce more insulin to do what was done before with less of the stuff.

Herein lies the dilemma! And here’s where fasting comes in. 


Stop eating


When you stop eating, insulin drops. When you stop eating for extended periods – say 14 to 16 hours, some magical things can happen as this research study highlights . . . 


“A retrospective study found that IF (Intermittent Fasting) diets produce gradual weight loss, lower blood pressure, have anticarcinogenic effects, and may even extend the lifespan. IF diets are not simply about enduring starvation, they represent a healthier lifestyle choice. A recent meta-analysis reviewed the clinical studies of IF diets and found that they reduce adult body mass index (BMI) and insulin resistance.” PubMed


Ready to give it a try?


For a day or two next week, finish your last meal of the day by 8:00 p.m. and start your first meal the following day at noon. That gives you a 16-hour fasting window and time for your body (and insulin) to rest. 

Keep in mind I’m asking only for a day. If you become serious about this, you’ll begin to work fasting into your life just like many experts. People like David Sinclair, author of Lifespan and Peter Attia, MD, for instance, always take their first meal of the day around noon. 


Let me know if you’re in and keep me posted on your progress at elaine@elainepauly.com


Live Young, Age Strong!



I am not a medical professional. As a health & functional medicine coach, I am not providing medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. The information I provide is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Always seek advice from a qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.