“Taking responsibility for your health is getting to know yourself better.” 

Frank Lipman, M.D. 


I often wonder how, in a world where the majority of us (Upwards of 60%) live with some sort of chronic condition, we can beat the odds and keep our health intact? 

I have to admit, it’s not easy. I’ve had my share of scares.

The worst . . . A completely random, full blown body rash that took me out for almost a month. Disfigured, and indescribably brutal.

I consulted every doc I knew – traditional and otherwise – and a couple of new ones. No one could figure it out. A few drugs. Nothing touched it.

I eventually determined (guessed) it was a heavy metal detox. The result of having – and recently removing – mercury fillings from my teeth. My normal detox channels couldn’t handle it, so it came flooding through my skin. 


Trust Your Body


I believe there are lessons in every mishap we face – health or otherwise.   

The lesson here I already knew: Trust your body. It’s brilliant and designed to heal.

Our job is to care for it and provide its basic needs: nourishing food, water, sleep, calm, movement, and time outside in the sun and fresh air. 

In my case, all I could do was hold tight while the body rid itself of toxins that had been buried deeply in me for years.


Own Your health


Ultimately, Each of us is responsible for our health. And your mindset (one of panic or calm) factors dramatically into your body’s ability to heal.

So here are some of the steps I take when I’m hurting:  


#1 – Trust yourself and know that your body can heal, regardless of the condition.


#2 – Shift your mindset from fear (which makes any chronic condition worse) to knowing that you can heal.


#3 – Listen to your gut – your intuition and God-link – to make decisions that feel right for YOU! We are all different – what works for one might be totally off for another. Make decisions that feel right for you! 


#4 – Stay curious. Do your research and consult the experts you know and trust . . .


But never give your health over to anyone else – not even your doctor.

Doctors perform miracles with acute conditions, but when it comes to chronic illness, that’s a whole different story. Somehow med school missed the course on nutrition – one of the basic tenets of human health. 

And age-old holistic healing practices turned “quackish” when John D. Rockefeller saw how he could turn his petroleum empire into a pharmaceutical behemoth. And you know where that led us. You can read more about it here, and here

Only recently has the practice of “Functional Medicine” exploded, providing a map to the root cause of the chronic illness that are new to us today. 

Our health is constantly being tested. But every illness brings healing and an “upgrade” to the body, strengthening it for more that is bound to come.


With love 

PS – I’m planning a monthly Zoom call for a maximum of 10 women who want to take their health to the next level. I’m keeping this small intentionally so those who opt in will get some personal attention. If you’re interested in participating, respond to this email – quickly.  Tell me the #1 issue you face – or anything else on your mind, and we’ll jump online to address them!

PPS – Also those who live nearby, want to start cooking together again?? Shoot me a response to this and there’s enought interest, we’ll gather around my kitchen island again and prepare some awesome meals together!