“If it is important to you, you will find a way. If it is not, you will find an excuse.”


Day #1 of fasting with Prolon FMD is a breeze for most. (If you missed Day #1, go here.

Haven’t had anyone drop out on day 1 yet. Just occasional gripes about olives (one of the snacks for that day) that some didn’t like and possibly the soup variety for the day.

 So where are we today? 


Awakening the body . . .


On day #2 and for the next 3 days, the fast drops to 770 calories and your body starts to sense that something’s a little off here. 

When this happens, magically the body knows exactly what to do and shifts into what Dr. Valter Longo, developer of Prolon, refers to as a “protective” mode. This is a wake-up call for your natural survival mechanism which exists to keep you alive. Here’s what happens . . .

In survival mode, cells stop dividing (their normal activity) and go to work to discard and cleanse old and damaged cells and DNA. At this point, you’re in a state of regeneration, called “autophagy”. Essentially you’re building a stronger, more youthful functioning body – a new and improved you! 


Short-cutting disease


Fasting also seems to have the ability to prevent or mitigate disease as Longo found in his initial mouse studies . . .  

“. . . by applying cycles of a fasting mimicking diet to a mouse with autoimmune disease, we reduce the number of autoimmune cells while activating regeneration of the damaged tissues. Preliminary results indicate these strategies may also be effective in humans.” 


What you’re eating today


Food today is pretty much the same as yesterday: 2 soups, L-Bars, snacks, crackers, teas, and one addition – the  L-Drink. 

The L-Drink provides energy and protects one of the more important parts of you . . . your muscle mass, a part that can diminish with age and with other fasting protocols.

Your body has all sorts of techniques up its sleeve to protect you in times of crisis – ie when food runs out. When all energy sources are depleted, the body defaults to the glycogen and amino acids in the muscle for energy. The L-Drink is how Prolon sneaks energy into the body so your muscle mass is protected during the fast. 


Ketosis – Burning off a little fat


Day #2 and the following three days also begin the happy phase of fat burning – AKA ketosis. By the end of Day 2 most are in a mild to moderate state of ketosis and begin to shed a little of the excess visceral fat that lies within. 

(Note: visceral fat is not the stuff under your skin. That’s your subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat is the dangerous fat that surrounds your organs and causes inflammation – the root cause of virtually every chronic illness.)

Ketones are the alternative fuel for the body. They’re made when sugar (glucose) in your system and your liver is depleted. Your body senses, “oops, no more glucose”, and ramps up the breakdown of fatty acids to produce ketones which the brain can use for fuel. 

(Ketogenic diets have been used for years to treat children with epilepsy as it helps to control seizures. They are also being prescribed to individuals with neurodegenerative diseases as they are believed to reduce amyloid plaques and neurotoxicity.)


Happiness / Detox / Weight loss


Some people will feel a state of euphoria when in a ketogenic state. That may happen over the next few days. Others maybe not so much. 

Some may begin to experience weight loss on this day, others will notice it later in the diet or in the days that follow. 


A Little Hunger


Hunger can also be an issue. In one instance, one in my fasting group complained about extreme hunger. As I investigated the problem, she off-handedly mentioned that she was walking ten miles a day. Wait. What? Although exercise is fine during the program, extreme exercise and even walking for hours on end is not recommended.


We’re all different


Many experience detox symptoms as fat that is burned releases toxins into the bloodstream.  Symptoms here range from brain fog to headaches, fatigue, and irritability. Generally never severe and mostly quite manageable.

It’s also normal to feel a bit cold in a fasting state, as your body shifts into a resting mode.

Everyone is different. Some breeze through the plan, feeling lighter, happier, even euphoric – a result of dropping into ketosis. Some meet challenges and work a little harder to stay on track.


That’s a wrap for day #2.

See you tomorrow – day 3 and counting . . . 


Your Youthkeeper Coach – Helping you live young!


PS – Want to know more? Have questions? Email me at elaine@elainepauly.com.