Healing Starts Inside
Cell phones, technology, the internet, media, web connections . . .
We are entwined in a global tech web that while connecting us is also, ironically, isolating us and delivering massive levels of anxiety, depression and a disconnect from our natural world.
We need time to chill. Stop. Breathe. Relax. Sleep.
This is when our bodies heal. Rest renews us, calms us, strengthens our brain and our memory, boosts our beauty and supports every function in the body. And, while most of us instinctively know we need to slow down occasionally, we’re often quick to skimp here, looking for any opportunity to cram just one more thing into our day.
When was the last time you actually stopped “doing” (outside of vacations, of course) long enough to relax, notice a sunset, breathe, actually taste your food, sit quietly or take a leisurely walk without worrying about the next thing you had to check off your list?
Occasional stress is normal – we’re built to handle it.
Constant stress is a whole different story and eventually overwhelms the body. It causes our immune systems to go haywire, turns us gray, wrinkles our skin, screws up our digestive and hormonal systems, damages the brain, fogs our thinking, and ages us prematurely.
Luckily your body is so damn smart and resilient, it can handle much of the abuse you throw at it.
It knows exactly what it’s supposed to do and regenerates itself every moment of every day to keep you functioning at peak performance – without you ever lifting a finger.
Your job is to get out of its way.
Slow down. Meditate. Stretch. Nap. Sleep. Plant your feet in the grass, let the wind touch your skin. BE STILL, and let your body go to work!
Want to get in touch? E-mail me at elaine@elainepauly.com
To heal the body is to give it the space for quiet, rest and calm.
What We Didn’t Know About Women & Intermittent Fasting . . . .
I recently came upon a fact that is little known about fasting for women - specifically Intermittent Fasting - a simple method of extending the typical 12-hour overnight fasting window by, say, two, four, [...]
Bird Flu – Just the Facts Please!
If the news about the current Bird Flu has you concerned, here are some details that might help. First, don’t panic! Don’t run for cover, and worst of all, don’t go for yet [...]
Important Thanksgiving Advice!
A quick note before you start cooking your Thanksgiving feast! Please, please, please, when you’re cooking for the crowd avoid these (now and forever) . . . SEED OILS This includes Canola, Corn, Cottonseed, Soy, [...]
Unhappy Belly? Hooked on Antacids? Try This Instead!
If you’re constantly turning to antacids to relieve your unhappy belly, Be advised, says, Dr. Vikki Peterson, a functional medicine practitioner. Antacids often lead to PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors) which diminish stomach acid, and [...]
Hit With a Health Crisis? Start Here . . .
“Taking responsibility for your health is getting to know yourself better.” Frank Lipman, M.D. I often wonder how, in a world where the majority of us (Upwards of 60%) live with some sort [...]
Gut Issues? Skin Breakouts? Rashes? Brain Fog? Tired All the Time? Here’s a Clue . . .
Autoimmune Conditions & What You Can Do to Heal Yourself It all started here . . . “The dramatic and rapid growth in overall use of glyphosate will likely contribute to a host [...]
Join me for a 5-Day Whole Food Longevity Cleanse
Live Long. . . . Age Strong . . . Begin with This! “How you age has everything to do with the choices you make right now . . . what you put into [...]
Lifestyle Tips For Longevity – How Misguided Health Advice Is Harming You & What You Can Do About It
"The speck which is our beginning becomes alive through food." D.C. Jarvis, M.D. For years we’ve been given what most of us thought was good advice about health. What to eat. What to [...]
The ONE Thing You Must do to Change Your Life & Get What You Want!
“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Imagine facing a debilitating condition like Ulcerative Colitis, a chronic condition that wreaks havoc on the entire GI system. [...]
Why Your High Cholesterol Numbers Might Not be So Bad
"What we’re all taught about cholesterol, starting in grade school and continuing all the way up through graduate medical training, is better described as a fallacy because these teachings are based on unsound, flawed, and [...]
Why We Sleep & My 10 Top Strategies for a Deeper Night’s Sleep!
“Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day.” Andrew Walker Dr. Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist at Stanford University’s School of Medicine. He [...]
Is Your Lawn Lethal?
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Viruses & Human Longevity – Why We Can’t Live Without Them
“The rise of the mammals may feel like a familiar tale, but there’s a twist you likely don’t know about: If it wasn’t for a virus, it might not have happened at all.” Nova [...]
Why I Fast . . . And 5 Reasons You Should Too
The little-known scientific process hailed as the new way to lose weight, look younger and prolong life. I started another Fast this week with the Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet. It’s my go-to now when [...]
Day #5 & Transition Day With Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet
“The Prolon FMD is probably the best way to start the regenerative and self-healing process with minimal or potentially no side effects." Dr. Valter Longo Wired for Survival Day #5 . . . Every [...]
Day #4 – Here’s What Happens When You Fast With Prolon . . .
Floating on a fasting high Hi, and welcome to Day #4 with Prolon & me! Day 4 puts you in the final stretch and you may experience a “fasting high” - calm, settled, no [...]
Day #3 – Here’s What Happens With Prolon & Me
". . . The little bit of stress that occurs when genes are activated prompts the rest of the system to hunker down, to conserve, to survive a little longer. That's the start of [...]
Here’s What Happens in 5 Days With Me & Prolon FMD – Day #2
"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If it is not, you will find an excuse." Day #1 of fasting with Prolon FMD is a breeze for most. (If you [...]
Here’s What Happens in 5 Days With Me & Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet
I’m doing something a little different this week . . . As I start another 5-day Prolon fast with a new group, I’ll be including you. Of course, you won’t actually be doing the [...]
Meet Your “Youth” Genes & 5 Simple Way to Keep Them Working for You
“ . . . a family of genes involved in an organism's ability to withstand a stressful environment, such as excessive heat or scarcity of food or water, have the power to keep its [...]
A Fasting Plan That Works
How to fast for a longer, healthier life Three years ago I couldn’t have told you much about fasting. It was hardly a topic for discussion back then . . . I’ve always [...]
Vaccines & You
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Longevity Code #16 – The Most Important Lesson You’ll Learn From Fasting.
Join Us For Our September Fast: September 28 - October 2 “When you stop eating, you save a huge amount of energy by sparing your gut, the entire neurologic system that runs the gut, [...]
Longevity Code # 15 – What You Must Do to Heal
A message about trust “On the cellular level, our bodies have the innate power and ability to reverse damage, regenerate, and restore...” Sayer Ji Ever feel broken? Like your health is up-side-down, twisted, [...]
Longevity Code #14 – Fasting for a Stronger Metabolism
Ready Yet?? Join Us For A Virtual Fast With Prolon FMD “Periodic fasting can reverse multiple features of the metabolic syndrome in humans: it enhances insulin sensitivity, stimulates lipolysis and reduces blood pressure. [...]
Don’t Get Left Out… Join us for our next fast!
July 27 -31 Have you ever tried to fast? If you’re like most I know, you’ve probably tried at least some sort of fast... Intermittent fasting, time-restricted, 5:2, caloric restriction, dinner to breakfast, whatever. [...]
Longevity Code #12 – The Deeper Side of Fasting
How Fasting Protects Against Disease. “Fasting done periodically is a very powerful and natural way to help the body first recover from the incremental damages inflicted by an unhealthy lifestyle and then to rejuvenate [...]
Longevity Code – We’re at it again – Fast with us!
June 15- 19 “A periodic diet that mimics fasting promotes multi-system regeneration, enhanced cognitive performance and healthspan” Cell Metabolism” I just took my first group through a 5-day fast with the Prolon Fasting [...]
Longevity Code #9 COVID-19 – The One Thing You Must Do Now…
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Longevity Code #7 – The Game-Changing Power of Fasting
A Post Holiday Clean-up & Longevity Tweak! “...Almost any periodic fasting diet that does not result in malnutrition is likely to put your longevity genes to work in ways that will result in a [...]
Longevity Code # 6 – Strengthen Your Immune System
6 Speedy ways to beat that cold and strengthen your defenses. "Given the role of the immune system in combating infections, its effectiveness with age may well be a marker of health and [...]
Longevity Code #4 – How to Build a Longevity Heart.
6 Mighty Heart-Building Tips "New research shows the human heart is much more than an efficient pump that sustains life... research suggests the heart also is an access point to a source of wisdom [...]
Longevity Code #3 – Nurture This Above All Else…
What Centenarians know about longevity that we don’t. "Since emotions run every system in the body, don’t underestimate their power to treat and heal. " Candace Pert There's one thing most of [...]
Longevity Code #1 – The little secret of ‘adding in’ that subtracts years from your age.
Remember when you were little and your parents would harp on you to “Eat your vegetables!”? It started for me as far back as I can remember when I was kindly commanded to remain [...]
Change Your Environment – Change the World
Today is “Earth Day”– a day we celebrate our earth and the environment that supports us all. And yet I can’t help thinking that this day will hardly register a blip on our attention meter. [...]
Why Your New Year’s Resolution May Have Gone Kaput & What You Can do to Make Next Year’s Stick
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with the first step." -Lao Tzu" I walked into my spin class the first of the year – generally sparsely attended by a few diehards, [...]
Why I Avoid Genetically Modified Foods – and why you might too.
(Special Detox Series Report) GMO’s were quietly introduced into our food chain in the '90s with little fuss. Most of us didn’t even know what a GMO was back then, let alone be concerned about [...]
"If you're a member of an industrialized nation, then you now have an average of seven hundred chemicals in your body from food water and air." Kelly Brogan, M.D. If you have ever [...]
How I Heal Myself – and How You Can Too!
Simple Natural Strategies to Beat the Flu. We all get sick. Some experts even say it's a sign of a healthy immune system - a tune-up so to speak. This year was particularly tough [...]
Bringing Light to Anxiety, Depression & the Workings of the Mind
What I learned from Kelly Brogan, M.D. (Note – My daughter, a budding health coach and lifestyle blogger, lovingly advises me that my posts are too long. She’s often right. In this case, however, [...]
25 unconventional steps to a lean & youthful body
We have become a nation of fat people. No, I’m not pointing a finger at you. I know you are probably lean, healthy and fit. But for many, weight loss is a perplexing mystery [...]
Healing and Rejuvenating Elixirs
I was in Calgary, Alberta this summer visiting an old friend, fellow health coach, and kombucha brewer (more on that in a future post) who was about to awaken me to a whole new world [...]
My Ten Top Healing Rituals
We all wish for things we don't have: tighter abs, more muscle, less fat, flawless skin, 10 extra pounds - gone, more energy, less stress, ad infinitum. It's one thing to wish. It's an entirely [...]
The Art & Science of Stillness
Top 5 strategies to renew body & spirit Like everyone else this season, I have been on full throttle – lists, to dos, cards, presents, connections, concerts, parties, obligations, work, family . . . It [...]